
March 2, 2023

Spooky Cosplay Perfectly Captures the Nightmare-Making Moment From ‘The Ring’

If you’ve ever seen the 1998 Japanese horror film Ringu or the 2002 American remake The Ring, you likely remember one of its scariest moments: the part when Samara (the little girl) crawls out of a television and walks towards the viewer. Even if you’ve tried to scrub the terrifying movie from your memory, the image of her long, dark hair slowly emerging from the screen is likely still burned into your brain.


February 24, 2023

Artisan Transforms Old Leather Couches Into Stylish One-of-a-Kind Purses

With the right skills and an eye for sustainability, Lisa Crick transforms old leather couches into stylish handbags. The large pieces of furniture—still with life left—become the raw materials for her purses. The shiny blues and soft browns of her bags show the power of upcycling and highlight how we don’t need to produce more to have more; we need to get creative with what’s already available. You'd never realize these bags were once chairs.

