
October 4, 2023

Developers of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Technology Win Nobel Prize

Since 1901, Nobel Prizes have honored achievements which change the world. Laureates include Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, George Bernard Shaw, Ernest Hemingway, Niels Bohr, and Malala Yousafzai. These awardees spread their expertise across fields from Medicine to Physics to Peace. Yet relatively few of these Nobel Laureates existed in circumstances where their discovery was as publicly discussed as the mRNA vaccine developed in recent years to combat COVID-19.


October 2, 2023

Theoretical Physicist Becomes Successful YouTuber to Fund Her Quantum Gravity Research

Physics is among the most daunting sciences to learn, but many passionate educators are trying to change that reputation. Professor Tatiana Erukhimova at Texas A&M University produces videos showing real-world applications of physics in a fun and insightful way. Another YouTube star named Sabin Hossenfelder actually uses her platform to not only share her knowledge in an understandable way, but to also fund her research.

