What Is Contemporary Art? An In-Depth Look at the Modern-Day Movement

What is Contemporary Art

Yayoi Kusama, “Yellow Pumpkin,” 1994 (Stock Photosfrom Adam Rifi/Shutterstock)

To many people, coming up with acontemporary artdefinition can be a tricky task. While its title is simplistic and straightforward, its modern-day meaning is not as clear-cut. Fortunately, understanding what constitutes as “contemporary” is entirely possible once one traces the concept's history and explores its underlying themes.

What is Contemporary Art?

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Chihuly Garden and Glass in the Seattle Center (Photo:Stock Photosfrom ApinBen4289/Shutterstock)

In its most basic sense, the termcontemporary art指art-namely、绘画、雕塑、photography, installation, performance, and video art—produced today. Though seemingly simple, the details surrounding this definition are often a bit fuzzy, as different individuals' interpretations of “today” may widely and wildly vary. Therefore, the exact starting point of the genre is still debated; however, many art historians consider the late 1960s or early 1970s (the end ofmodern art, or modernism) to be an adequate estimate.

Major Contemporary Art Movements and Artists

Given its “art of today” definition, you may be surprised to hear that contemporary art actually has a relatively long history. To trace its evolution, let's take a look at themajor movementsand important artists that compose its history.

Pop Art

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Andy Warhol, “Flowers” (Photo:Stock Photosfrom Radu Bercan/Shutterstock)

Intended as a reaction to preceding modern art movements, contemporary art is thought to have begun on the heels ofPop Art. In post-war Britain and America,Pop Artwas pioneered by artists likeAndy WarholandRoy Lichtenstein. It is defined by an interest in portraying mass culture and reimagining commercial products as accessible art. While the movement lasted roughly from the 1950s through the early 1970s, it was reborn asNeo-Pop Artin the 1980s thanks to artists likeJeff Koons.


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Portrait of Chuck Close (Photo:Stock Photosfrom Rushay/Shutterstock)

Much like artists working in the Pop Art style sought to artistically reproduce objects, those involved withPhotorealism—a concurrent movement—aimed to create hyperrealistic drawings and paintings. Photorealists often worked from photographs, which enabled them to accurately reproduce portraits, landscapes, and other iconography.Chuck CloseandGerhard Richteroften worked in this style.


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Ai Wei Wei, “Circle of Animals/ Zodiac Heads,” 2010 (Photo:Stock Photosfrom Alisa_Ch/Shutterstock)

In turn, Pop Art also helped shapeConceptualism, which rejected the idea of art as a commodity. In conceptual art, theideabehind a work of art takes precedence. Major conceptual artists includeDamien Hirst,Ai Wei Wei, andJenny Holzer. Though this experimental movement is rooted in art of the early 21st century, it emerged as a formal movement in the 1960s and remains a major contemporary art movement today.


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Donald Judd, “Untitled,” 1973 (Photo:Stock Photosfrom Todamo/Shutterstock)

Like Conceptualism,Minimalismmaterialized in the 1960s and is still prevalent today. According to theTate, both movements “challenged the existing structures for making, disseminating and viewing art.” What sets Minimalism apart, however, is that its simple, abstract aesthetic invites viewers to respond to what they see—not what they think a given work of art represents.Donald Judd,Sol LeWitt, andDan Flavinare some key Minimalist artists.

Performance Art

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Photo: Public domain viaWikimedia Commons

Another movement with Conceptualist roots isPerformance Art. Beginning in the 1960s and retaining its popularity today, performance art is a drama-inspired approach to art. While the art form is performed by artists (as the name suggests), it is not solely intended as entertainment. Instead, its goal is to convey a message or idea. Predominant performance artists includeMarina Abramović,Yoko Ono, andJoseph Beuys.

Installation Art

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Yayoi Kusama, “Gleaming Lights of the Souls,” 2008 (Photo:Stock Photosfrom ephst/Shutterstock)

Like performance pieces,installation artis an immersive medium of art. Installations are three-dimensional constructions that transform their surroundings and alter viewers' perceptions of space. Often, they're large-scale and site-specific, enabling artists to transform any space into a customized, interactive environment. Well-known installation artists includeYayoi Kusama,Dale Chihuly, andBruce Munro.

Earth Art

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Robert Smithson, “Spiral Jetty” (Photo: Public domain viaWikimedia Commons)

A unique spin on installation art,Earth Art(or Land Art) is a movement in which artists transform natural landscapes into site-specific works of art.Robert Smithson,ChristoandJeanne-Claude, andAndy Goldsworthyare celebrated for their avant-garde earthworks.

Street Art

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Keith Haring, “The Pisa's Mural, 1989 byStock Photosfrom peepy/Shutterstock

As one of the most recent contemporary art movements,street artis a genre that gained prominence with therise of graffiti在1980年代。往往植根于社会行动,street art includes murals, installations, stenciled images, and stickers erected in public spaces. Key street artists include figures from the 1980s, likeJean-Michel BasquiatandKeith Haring, as well as practicing artists likeBanksyand上海epard Fairey.

Contemporary Art and the Digital Age

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Photo:Stock Photosfrom mundissima/Shutterstock

Contemporary art is continuously evolving and more artists are taking advantage of new technology to further their creativity. This includescode-generated art, which can produce everything from abstract pieces to futuristic vector portraits. As advances in artificial intelligence continue, some artists are using the technology to create hyperrealistic portraits that test the boundary between reality and imagination.

Crypto art,which takes advantage of blockchain technology, has been picking up steam since 2020. With digital artist Beeple making a landmark$69 million sale at Christie‘s with his NFT collage, more artists and fine art institutions are seeing the possibilities in this form of art. Crypto art is allowing digital artists to monetize work that may have been previously difficult to sell. The boom inNFT artis allowing artists who create ephemeral pieces— whether installations, performances, or murals—to be compensated and collected in a manner that was previously unheard of.

Famous Contemporary Artists

Yayoi Kusama (1929–present)

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Photograph of Yayoi Kusama, 2016 (Photo:Wikimedia Commons,CC BY 4.0)

Full Name
Yayoi Kusama
March 22, 1929 (Matsumoto, Japan)
Notable Artwork
Infinity Mirror Room
Conceptual Art

Japanese artistYayoi Kusamais considered to be the most famous living female artist. Throughout her illustrious career, she has developed a signature approach to her craft. Characterized by polka dots, bold color palettes, and organic forms, her aesthetic is perhaps best typified by herpumpkin art, a collection of works celebrating the subject's “generous unpretentiousness.”

Famous works of art:Infinity Mirror Room—Phalli’s Field(1965),Narcissus Garden (1966), Pumpkinseries

Marina Abramović (1956–present)

" data-src="//m.e-diplomatique.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/photo-marina-abramovic-1.jpg" alt="Photo of Artist Marina Abramovic" width="750" height="935" data-srcset="//m.e-diplomatique.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/photo-marina-abramovic-1.jpg 750w, //m.e-diplomatique.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/photo-marina-abramovic-1-241x300.jpg 241w" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px">

Photo of Marina Abramović, 2018 (Photo:Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SA 2.0)

Full Name
Marina Abramović
November 30, 1946 (Belgrade, Serbia)
Notable Artwork
Rythym 0, The Artist is Present
Performance Art

Known as the “grandmother ofperformance art,”Marina Abramovićis a living legend with a career that spans more than 60 years. When she first emerged in the early '70s, she changed the perception of performance art and invited people to question what is considered art. The Serbian American artist thinks of the human body as the “point of departure for any spiritual development.” Through her controversial experiments, she often endures dangerous and intense physical ordeals in order to explore a number of different themes, including the mind, human culture, purity, and control.

Famous works of art:Rhythm 0(1974),The Artist is Present(2010)

Ai Weiwei (1957–present)

Full Name
Ai Weiwei
August 28, 1957 (Beijing, China)
Notable Artwork
Sunflower Seeds

ArtistAi Weiweiis undoubtedly the most well-known living Chinese creative today, but his relationship with his country’s government is complicated. In communist China—where freedom of speech is tightly regulated—Ai’s varied portfolio of work doesn’t fetch the highest prices at auctions, and critics don’t sing his praises. Instead, the activist is viewed as a threat to the “harmonious society.” Through sculpture, film, installation, photography, and architecture—and across an array of materials including ceramics, marble, paint, and tea—Ai explores Chinese identity in the modern world as well as the culture’s social history.

Famous works of art:Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn(1995),Sunflower Seeds(2011)

Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960–1988)

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From left to right: Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Bruno Bischofberger, and Fransesco Clemente, 1984 (Photo:Wikimedia Commons,CC BY-SA 4.0)

Full Name
Jean-Michel Basquiat
December 22, 1960 (New York City, New York)
August 12, 1988 (New York City, New York)
Notable Artwork
Untitled, Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump

In the late 20th century,Jean-Michel Basquiatturned the contemporary art world on its head. Living and working in New York City in the 1970s and 80s, the young artist helped pioneer and popularizestreet artby bringinggraffitiinto the gallery—a monumental move that made the glitz and glamour of the art world accessible to people from all walks of life.

Famous works of art:Untitled(1982),Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump(1982)

Takashi Murakami (1962–present)

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Full Name
Takashi Murakami
February 1, 1962 (Tokyo, Japan)
Notable Artwork
Mr. Dob series, Flowers

Often referred to as “the Warhol of Japan,”Takashi Murakami而闻名的艺术之间的界限变得模糊和反面sumerism. His brightly colored, cheerful work draws inspiration from the Japanese subculture ofotaku, a term used to describe people devoted to all things pop culture. Through his art, Murakami explores Japan's contemporary culture as well as the West's ever-growing influence on it.

Famous works of art:Mr. Dobseries,The Lonesome Cowboy(1998),Flowers(2002)

Banksy (1974–present)

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Full Name
Unknown (Bristol, England)
Notable Artwork
Balloon Girl, Dismaland
Street Art

Known only by his pseudonym,Banksyis arguably the mostfamous street artisttoday. Since the 1990s, the elusive, England-based creative has been making politically and socially charged art, oftentimes with a sense of dark humor. While his face and true identity remain unknown, his portfolio of attention-grabbing art continues to shock and entice the world.

Famous works of art:Balloon Girl(2002),Love is in the Bin(2018)

What's Next for Contemporary Art?

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Stock Photosfrom mujiri/Shutterstock

While some of the artists we've looked at are either no longer alive or unable to practice, many aforementioned greats, including—but not limited to—Damien Hirst,Ai Wei Wei,Marina Abramović,Yayoi Kusama, andJeff Koons, continue to createavant-gardeworks of painting, sculpture, installation, and performance art.

In addition to these famous figures, many up-and-comingcontemporary artistsare stunning the world with their original approach to art. On top of putting their own twists on conventional forms like painting, sculpture, and installation, they've also popularized unexpected forms of art, likeembroidery,origami, andtattoos, proving the endless possibilities of the all-encompassing genre.

Frequently Asked Questions

What defines contemporary art?

Contemporary art refers to art—namely, painting, sculpture, photography, installation, performance, and video art—produced today. This time period typically refers to the second half of the 20th century and onwards into the 21st century.

How do you know if art is contemporary?

Art is considered contemporary if it was made in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

This article has been edited and updated.

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Kelly Richman-Abdou

Kelly Richman-Abdou is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. An art historian living in Paris, Kelly was born and raised in San Francisco and holds a BA in Art History from the University of San Francisco and an MA in Art and Museum Studies from Georgetown University. When she’s not writing, you can find Kelly wandering around Paris, whether she’s leading a tour (as a guide, she has been interviewed by BBC World News America andFrance 24) or simply taking a stroll with her husband and two tiny daughters.
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