
December 31, 2023

5 Breakthrough Artists Who Are Making Contemporary Native American and Indigenous Public Art

Through sculpture, murals, and ephemeral installations, contemporary Native artists are honoring their heritage, while also giving voice to the indigenous community. By working on public art projects, indigenous artists are also making a statement by reminding the public, “We Exist.” Whether that means creating memorials to honor the contribution of Native American veterans to reclaiming public spaces, the work of these artists is invaluable in teaching the public to move beyond stereotypes.


December 27, 2023

Artist’s Playfully Striking Murals Cover Entire Façades, Adding a Pop of Whimsy to City Skylines

街头艺术有能力创建一个门户in a city. Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giorgino, better known as Millo, covers massive, multi-story buildings with murals of stylized metropolises, occupied by characters that are larger than skyscrapers. These cartoon-like illustrations imbue façades and billboards with a sense of whimsy that is otherwise missing from urban centers. Millo's distinct art stands out from the real setting it inhabits.


December 19, 2023

Stunning Sculptures Inspired by Grenada’s Carnival Characters Are Added to Underwater Installation

In 2006, British artist Jason deCaires Taylor founded The Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park, a unique display of art that is submerged off the coast of Grenada. Recently, the underwater garden welcomed 27 new sculptures by Taylor and four by local artists, all of which are inspired by Grenada's annual Spicemas carnival.

